Book List
Though subject to minor changes year-to-year, the following texts are typical for a standard Center year. (Additional texts of interest to individual students can be added and studied during one-on-one tutorial time.) The Center also informs all incoming students on what specific editions and versions to buy so that every one is (literally) on the same page.
Center for Western Studies
Book List for 2024-25
Below you will find the books and the editions we will be using for the year, starting in September. Often our students already own some of these books, but please make note of the editions/translations, not just the titles, as we will want to “be on the same page” for our lectures/discussions.
Fall Semester
C S Lewis, Abolition of Man
Homer, Odyssey - Fagles translation.
Sophocles, Oedipus the King
Plato Meno
Aristotle Ethics
Stark Rise of Christianity
Augustine Confessions
Bonaventure Mind’s Journey
Dante Inferno, Esolen Translation
Spring Semester
Shakespeare (any editions)
King Lear
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Spenser Fairy Queene (Book 1)
Erasmus and Luther On the Will (used version is around $2.00)
Rousseau Social Contract
Burke Reflections on the Revolution in France
Shelley - Frankenstein
Marx Communist Manifesto
Bastiat The Law
BT Washington Up From Slavery
Conrad Heart of Darkness
O’Connor Short Stories
Chesterton Orthodoxy
T S Eliot Collected Poems
Postmodern theory/poems - TBA
Lewis Four Loves
Fleming Arts and Ideas, 9th edition
And we will have various articles and chapters for our Thursday discussions as well.